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08.02.2017, 9:07

Volunteer Info Line will run in Minsk region during severe frosts

Volunteer Info Line will operate during severe frosts in the Minsk region. This information is available on the website of Minsk City Executive, BelTA informs.

As the leading specialist in emergency Red Cross Minsk regional organization Igor Sidorenko, calling a single telephone number 201, citizens can report a problem and get help. The public is already familiar with this number. As a general rule, call upon him stranded motorists on the road, or the elderly, who are unable to chop wood and melt furnace. Volunteers go to them and provide assistance on the ground.

Due to the cooling of the Red Cross volunteers deployed in the districts of Minsk region campaign to assist the most vulnerable categories of citizens. Active work will begin with decreasing temperature down to minus 15 degrees. Volunteers will provide information about the places where homeless people can get warm and get a hot meal and tea. Field units will patrol remote highway, provide assistance to drivers and passengers.

According to reports, the weather in Belarus in the coming days will determine the Arctic anticyclone Erika. According to weather forecasts, February 8 at night thermometers will show 18-24 degrees below zero. In some places in the country is expected to decrease during the night the air temperature to minus 28 degrees.

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