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21.02.2017, 8:59

Minsk oblast students to represent Belarus at the scientific and engineering Intel ISEF competition in the US

The best projects on the basis of the largest national scientific and engineering competition for schoolchildren Belarus Science and Engineering Fair in 2017 recognized the work of two representatives of the state educational institutions of Minsk Region, which acquired the right to represent Belarus at the international Intel International Science and Engineering Fair competition (Intel ISEF) in USA. BelTA was told in the Minsk Regional Institute of Education Development, which has become one of the main organizers of the national selection.

The best at Belarus Science and Engineering Fair declared the project "AirPhone - smart new generation of" student of the 11th grade of high school №11 Slutsk Vladislav Gadalova and "Goldenrod as a promising raw material for the national pharmaceutical and energy" students of the 10th class of the gymnasium № 1 Zhodino Alexandra Kohovets.

The decisive stage of the competition was held in the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (BSUIR). It works 48 students were presented. The finale was a bench protection works in several categories. Finalists were evaluated projects for scientific, educational, youth and business of the jury. Participants will need to demonstrate the ability to present their work to defend their own point of view, to answer further questions. The structure of the scientific jury consisted of representatives of the scientific community of the country - doctors, PhDs, specialists and employees of BSU, BSUIR, Belarusian National Technical University, National Academy of Sciences, etc. .

The International Science and Engineering Fair Intel ISEF, which will go to the representatives of the Minsk region, will be held from 14 to 19 May in Los Angeles (CA). Since 2013, the winners BelSEF represent the country at the international competition in the United States. During this time they received special prizes and diplomas from American companies, funds and jury.

During the closing ceremony of the scientific and engineering competition BelSEF 2017 with diplomas and valuable prizes were awarded to students who have become winners in various categories ( "Informatics", "Mathematical Sciences", "Design and Robotics", "Physics", "Ecology and the problems environment, energy-saving technologies "). In addition, participants received special prizes teachers, youth, business-jury by the Intel Corporation, and competition partner BSUIR. Thanks prizes and event organizers awarded to teachers, heads of research works of students who won.

Among the organizers of the contest Belarus Science and Engineering Fair 2017 Department of Education Minsk City Executive Committee, Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development, Administration of the Park of High Technologies, Intel is.

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