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22.02.2017, 11:27

In the Minsk region 15 creative teams for three years awarded honorary titles

Over the past three years, 15 creative teams of Minsk Region received honorary titles, said today the acting head of the main ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee Svetlana Baranok on the final board Ministry, BelTA has learned.

"Over the past three years, the total number of art groups with the honorary title" Honored "," People "and" exemplary "increased by 15 units and reached 574," - said Svetlana Baranok .

In particular, in 2016 for his significant contribution to the development of Belarusian national culture title "Honoured amateur collective of Republic of Belarus" was awarded the national folk music ensemble "Heritage of" public institution "Dzerzhinsky City House of Culture." In addition, several teams were awarded the title of "national" and "exemplary".

Svetlana Baranok highlighted the role of clubs in the work on the organization of cultural activities in Minsk region population. According to her, 506 institutions were engaged in such activities in the past year, of which 435 are located in rural areas. Club institutions held about 85 thousand. Events, including concerts, theater festivals and rituals, exhibitions of works of folk art and decorative arts, as well as others. Examples of the new forms of cultural and leisure activities of the population of the organization are multidisciplinary project aimed at identifying talented young people, recreation and leisure activities for children Luban regional center of culture, the festival of youth subcultures "Energy of Youth" Centralized club system Vileyka district, complex cultural and entertainment programs with the organization and holding of the historic quizzes, jousting, medieval games and entertainment, workshops on medieval dances of military-historical club "Krutagor'e" Dzerzhinsky district center of culture and folk art, and others. in general, in the Year of culture club establishments field, considerable attention was paid to the popularization of juvenile meaningful and cultural activities.

During 2016 the central region held 22 regional cultural events in different types and genres of folk art. During the campaign "Capital of Culture" held more than 150 events. To enhance cultural cooperation with public organizations of the Belarusians abroad last year creative groups of Minsk region have established communication with the Belarusian public association "Heritage of" (Ventspils, Latvia), the Belarusian Culture Centre (Daugavpils, Latvia), a regional non-governmental organization National-Cultural Autonomy "Belarusians of Moscow "(Russia).

As of January 1, 2017 in Minsk cultural work 1075 institutions, including cultural and educational (clubs, methodological centers of folk art, libraries, museums, recreation park), theaters Organization ( theaters, concert organizations), educational institutions in the field of culture (additional education of children and youth, secondary special education institutions), the organization of cinematography (152 kinovideoustanovki includes 15 cinemas).

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