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23.02.2017, 9:15

Organic farming is planning to develop in the area Myadel

Organic farming is planning to develop in Myadel region, BelTA learned from the executive committee.

According rayselhozproda specialists for organic farming project in JSC "Myadel AGROPROMENERGO" is planned to allocate about 100 hectares of land. In the soil, instead of fertilizer will make specially treated organic matter, which will contribute to the cultivation of environmentally friendly crops, vegetables, fruits, as well as fodder for the cattle on green technology. It is assumed that organic farming project will improve soil fertility.

are chosen area, which for a long time not been made chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The au pair will be given advice on seeds, the use of crop rotation and include it in the cultures. Environmentally friendly products at the initial stage of the project will be grown in a test mode. It is possible that the first crop, which will get the green technology will rye. Subsequently to be grown wheat, which gives rich harvests, where the rye was a precursor.

The first production project of organic farming will be used in order to feed on the farm for fattening cattle, resulting in farmers get clean meat.

In the near future a new project can connect to other farms Myadel area. Implementation of its analogues is possible in other parts of the region and the country.

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