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27.02.2017, 11:35

Students of the Minsk region became students of scientific conferences in Russia

The Year of Science, Minsk region students continue to successfully participate in international scientific conferences. As a result of Russia ended in several activities of the projects awarded with diplomas of different degrees, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute for Education Development.

For instance, young researchers from Slutsk gymnasium №1 took an active part in the X International scientific-practical conference of pupils and students "Youth and Innovation" in Serpukhov (Moscow region). Xenia Kolodovskaya awarded the diploma of I degree for his work "The vortices in the liquid and gas" (section "Current issues of chemistry and physics"). Dmitry Masakovsky and Valeria Makhlai awarded a diploma of III degree for his work "The Birth of the aircraft. Revived legend" (section "Maintenance work").

The representatives of the Minsk region and successfully performed at the XXVI Moscow open natural science students conference "Potential". Diploma of I degree was awarded ninth-Gritskevichskogo educational and pedagogical complex Kindergarten - High School Nesvizh District Sergei Molohvey, who presented the work in the "Energy Saving and Energy" section. The incentive Diploma received ninth-grader from the same institution Nikita Tsiulya, acted in "Mathematics" section. Matthew and Andrew Zvontsov Kuharev from the Minsk State Regional Lyceum awarded a diploma of I degree for his work "The drops falling up" (section "Physics"). Diploma of II degree was awarded student of Lansky educational and pedagogical complex Kindergarten - High School District Nesvizh Alina Gordievich for work "Research of influence of a constant magnetic field on the electric arc behavior" (section "Physics") .

As noted by the Institute for Educational Development, successful performance contributes to the intellectual competitions work to identify and support gifted and talented children and youth. In the past academic year in international competitions, competitions and conferences schoolchildren in the central region were awarded 59 diplomas, 4 medals and 2 special prizes.

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