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20.03.2017, 8:54

Leshozes of Minsk region plan to increase the harvest of birch sap

The leshozes of the Minsk region are planning to increase harvesting of birch sap to 3,700 tons, BelTA learned from the Minsk State Forestry Production Association (GPLC).

"The season of active procurement of birch sap has already started in the south of the Minsk region - in the Starodorozhsky and Soligorsk districts.This year the leshozes plan to increase the volume of harvesting a healthy beverage to 3.7 thousand tons. Last year it amounted to 3.5 thousand tons" , - they told in the association.

Gradually, the collection of birch sap will begin in each leshoz of the region. Meanwhile, Starodorozhsky and Kopyl experimental leshozes, as well as Starobinsky and Lyuban leshozes, have become leaders in industrial procurement. The harvesters have already crossed the line of 150 tons of harvested juice, while more than 110 tons have been sold for processing to enterprises. Deliver the ready-made product under its own brands processors do not only mean to the domestic market, but also abroad.

In each district of the region, places are identified where the population can purchase fresh birch sap. Mostly they are located directly in the collection areas. Prepare the juice is not prohibited and by yourself. To do this, you need to contact the nearest forestry. Specialists will determine the trees on which it is possible to make a tap. In the case of illegal juice production, liability is provided under the Code of Administrative Offenses - up to a fine of 20 basic units (currently 1 BV is Br23).

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