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21.03.2017, 11:24

More than half of the districts of the Minsk region started seeding early spring cereals and legumes

More than half of the districts of the Minsk region have started sowing early spring grain and leguminous crops, BelTA learned from Sergey Primachenko, head of the agriculture and crop production department of the Agriculture and Food Committee of the Minsk regional executive committee.

"The weather conditions allowed to start the sowing campaign in the country as a whole earlier than usual.In the Minsk region, more than half of the regions have already started seeding early spring grain and leguminous crops, which is not quite usual for this time. Region, but they are connected to them and areas from the central part, "- said Sergei Primachenko.

In the Minsk region, the planting of early spring grain and leguminous crops is planned for an area of more than 230,000 hectares. About 3 thousand hectares have already been planted with these crops, and the largest areas in the Luban region (more than 1,7 thousand hectares). In general, the area of spring sowing will exceed 560 thousand hectares, remaining at the level of the previous year. As noted by the representative of the regional agricultural trade, the structure of sown areas is formed and this year will not significantly change. In the central region there are no specific dates for the completion of spring sowing, but the heads of agricultural enterprises are focused on its implementation in the optimal agrotechnical terms. Under favorable weather conditions and the required soil temperature, work must be completed within 10 days.

The region is tasked with carrying out spring sowing of cereals and leguminous crops with seeds of high reproductions. Before the beginning of the sowing campaign for the harvest of 2017 in the agricultural organizations of the central region, there were 61 thousand tons of seeds in the presence of 57 thousand tons.

In the agricultural organizations of the Minsk region, the accumulation of fuel, mineral and nitrogen fertilizers, and the export of organic materials to the fields continue. Until March 25, the Minsk Regional Inspection of the Hospitality Supervision, together with the State Traffic Inspectorate and regional executive committees, conducts a household inspection of agricultural machinery.

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