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23.03.2017, 14:31

Agro-town Yazylyl invites to "Day of the runner"

On April 1, an open athletics festival "Runner's Day" will be held in the village of Yazyol (Starodorozhsky district), which will actually become one of the first mass race starts outside the gyms in the Minsk region in the new season, the organizers of the competitions told BelTA.

Students of schools, members of clubs of runners, as well as athletes in four age groups (18-30 years, 31-40 years, 41-50 years, 51 years and older) are invited to participate in the competition for participation in the personal championship. It is supposed that young amateurs of a healthy way of life will compete for the awards - boys and girls aged 4-6. Organizers accept applications from those wishing to perform until March 31, subject to a paid entry fee. From him released boys and girls 4-6 years old, students of the Yazylic Secondary School and workers of the agro-town Yazyl.

The site of the races will be a 400-meter track, laid around the Yagilskaya secondary school. Beginning competitions with the run of the youngest participants at a distance of 50 m. Following them, the championship at a distance of 400 m will challenge students 1-2 and 3-4 classes. Schoolchildren of grades 5-6 and 7-8 will compete at 800 m, at 1600 m - pupils of grades 9-11, as well as representatives of age groups. The apogee of the holiday will be the relay race. One of them is 4x400 m for heads of educational institutions of the Starodorozhsky district with the participation of famous athletes. The other is a family relay race 3x400 m. The formula of this competition allows a joint performance of two parents and one child or one parent with two children.

Winners in each age group of students, as well as men and women at 400, 800, 1600 m, in the relay race 4x400 and family relay race are awarded with cash prizes. Cash prizes will also be given to absolute winners at a distance of 1600 m for men and women. Winners and winners in each age group at all distances will also be awarded with diplomas and medals.

The organizers of the sports holiday have provided a cultural program. So, the performance of amateur artists will take place, competitions and folk games will be held. In addition, after the finish of the runners, soldiers' porridge and tea are waiting.

Agro-township Dyajl, which is one of the largest settlements of the Starodorozhsky district, is a famous point on the track and field athletics map of Belarus. Here, for example, in 1988, the "Yazyleskaya Ten" competitions were born. Over time, this track-and-field race, dedicated to the Day of Agricultural Workers, has gradually grown into one of the most massive sporting events - the National Running Festival. Now it is held in the autumn in the Old Roads, but retains its original name. A number of track and field starts are being organized in Djal.

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