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27.03.2017, 9:00

The Minsk region and Chinese Chongqing have signed an agreement on the establishment of sister cities

An agreement on the establishment of sister-city relations was signed between the Minsk region and the Chinese city of Chongqing in Nesvizh, BelTA has learned.

The document was signed by Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro and Vice-Governor of Chongqing Liu Guiping.

Before signing the agreement, the delegations of the two sides held talks. Semyon Shapiro stressed that Belarus and China have strong partnership relations. "Both sides are making efforts to develop these relations, thanks to the Chinese partners, the economic shape of our country is changing.One of the most striking examples is the Great-Stone Industrial-China-Belarus Industrial Park, which is located on the territory of the Minsk region, and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee is a co-founder Park, "he recalled.

Semyon Shapiro also spoke positively about the level of relations that the region has with a number of world-famous Chinese corporations, including China Merchants, CITIK, SAMS, Sinomach and many others. According to him, in 2017 it is planned to open a plant for the production of passenger cars in the Minsk region of Belgorod City CJSC. This is another major Belarusian-Chinese project not only for the region, but for the whole country. The Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee stressed the fact that the Belarusian side is interested in expanding cooperation and is ready to provide the site not only for the production of Chinese companies, but also for its promotion to the markets of the EU, the EEMP and other countries.

Liu Guiping told Semyon Shapiro about plans to establish a base for the production of innovative products in Chongqing. The city has a well-developed automobile industry. In fact, every 8th car in China is produced here. In addition, Chongqing is widely known as a center for the production of intellectual equipment, the output of which is 350 million units per year. Liu Guiping highly appreciated the development of trade and economic relations between Chongqing and Belarus. In particular, the international railway Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe contributes to this. The vice-governor stressed that the Chinese city and the Minsk region have already achieved certain successes in establishing ties in the trade, economic and humanitarian spheres. He expressed interest in strengthening existing ties, as well as their expansion in logistics, which provides the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe highway and its Belorussian section. Also, a high-ranking representative of the Chongqing Administration proposed the expansion of the export of Belarusian agro-industrial products to this city, as well as to the central and western regions of the PRC.

The representative of the Chinese side also noted the possibility of expanding cooperation with the central region of Belarus in the energy sector, industry, particularly in the production of equipment, agricultural machinery, IT technologies, education, healthcare, science, culture, etc. "Chongqing devotes Very much attention to cooperation with countries that are located along the economic belt of the Silk Road, "concluded Liu Guiping. He invited the delegation of the Minsk region to make a return visit to Chongqing.

Semen Shapiro stressed that in cooperation in all the specified areas the Minsk region is fully interested in informing the guests about today's day and prospects of the region. After the negotiations and signing of the agreement on the establishment of twin-city relations, the parties exchanged memorable gifts.

Commenting on the signed document, Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Plavsky told reporters that the automobile industry will be one of the most important priorities for cooperation between Chongqing and the Minsk region. "The share of this sector in the economy of the Chinese city is great, since there are more than 2 million cars produced annually.The experience of attracting investors and building factories is interesting to us.In addition, this city imports foodstuffs and it must be regarded as one of the promising markets for sales" , - he said.

In 2002, the Minsk Region and the city of Chongqing concluded an agreement on cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural fields. Bilateral relations between the Belarusian and Chinese regions are developing successfully. Last year, a delegation from the Wanzhou District of Chongqing City visited the Minsk Region. During the visit, a memorandum on the development of twinning relations between the Kopylsky district and Wanzhou was signed.

Chongqing is located in the south-western part of China and is one of the cities of the central subordination of the PRC. It has more than 33 million inhabitants. The city has high rates of socio-economic development. In order to increase the export of products to the Chinese market, the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee regularly sends commercial offers to enterprises in the embassy of Belarus in the PRC and in the partner regions of the Moscow region. In 2016, the trade between the Minsk region and China in monetary terms amounted to $ 832.3 million.

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