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17.04.2017, 15:58

The Minsk region in 2017 plans to harvest at least 2.5 million tons of grain

The Minsk region plans to harvest a grain crop of at least 2.5 million tons in 2017, Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro said at a visiting press conference for the republican and regional media, BelTA has learned.

"This year we set a goal to get 2.5 million tons of grain." Of course, it is difficult to predict what the weather will be in the summer, but I think that the volume in question is really going to be collected. On corn, "- said the head of the Minsk region.

Winter crops of cereals on the area of more than 300 thousand hectares have well suffered the autumn-winter period. Spring sowing of cereals and leguminous crops will be carried out on an area of more than 200 thousand hectares. With an expected average yield of 40 centners per hectare, agrarians will be able to obtain at least 2 million tons of grain from these areas. In addition, the harvest of corn grain is expected to be higher than in the previous year. In general, this culture is in demand by pig farms, poultry farms, so it must be produced more and sold to farms, Simeon Shapiro is convinced.

The central region is already discussing the question of how to get 3 million tons of grain. According to the governor, these plans are also realistic, but, most likely, not in 2017. Speaking about the culture of agriculture, the chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee stressed that the quality of soil cultivation in most areas of the Minsk region has become one of the best in the country, and this fact is the key to a good harvest. "The heads of the districts and farms have achieved much in recent years in the cultivation of the soil, and now the task is to improve the quality of work in the livestock sector," summed up Semyon Shapiro.

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