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18.04.2017, 14:57

The safety of children in the information space will be discussed at a parent meeting in the Minsk region

The tenth parental meeting in the Minsk region will be held on April 28 and will be devoted to the topic of children's safety in the information space, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education (MIRO).

The event will take place in video mode. Specialists of the education system, employees of the prosecutor's office, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Main Department of Health of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, representatives of the church and public organizations, practicing psychologists will gather at the MIRO studio, from where the broadcast will be conducted. The meeting will discuss the safe behavior of children on the Internet, discuss possible threats that occur in the network, as well as ways to identify and prevent them.

"The rapid development of Internet technologies, the active involvement of adolescents in a virtual life against the backdrop of weakly formed moral principles and attitudes, the existing internal problems make them a convenient target for manipulation by various" curators. "Parents do not always even know about The danger that children are exposed to when communicating in the virtual world.Therefore, the main message of the parents' meeting "Our children are on the net!", And the task of adults is to help them get out, while preserving their life and health, "- TMemo organizer of the event.

The parental meeting will be the kick-off event of the regional thematic decade on the safety of children in the information space, which will be held from April 28 to May 8 in all educational institutions in the central region. During a decade in the institutions as well as enterprises and social facilities, the community will be meeting with parents. They will be able to view the video case, get advice by specialists and promotional products (booklets, motivators, memos, etc..).

On April 27, Moir is scheduled to hold a conference "Actual problems of the formation of life-affirming behavior in minors." The participants will be given the opportunity, together with the interdepartmental group of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, the republican and international experts, to determine the role of socio-psychological factors that influence the formation of behavior in children.

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