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05.05.2017, 8:44

Central event for the Victory Day in the Minsk region will be held on the Hill of Glory

The regional festive event dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War will be held on the Glory Barrow on May 6, BelTA learned from the main department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

On the main site of the memorial complex will be a solemn meeting (beginning at 12.00) with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, city and district executive committees, republican state administration bodies, deputies of the House of Representatives, as well as members of the Council of the Republic.

During the festive event, thematic areas will work. Among them - "There was a month of May", a concert program with the participation of amateur collectives and individual performers of the Minsk region; A sports ground (darts, arm wrestling, figured driving of a bicycle, etc.); The DOSAAF airplane sport site; An exhibition of technical creativity and centers of patriotic education of youth in educational institutions. Also the work of the photo zone "Soldier's Halt" and the theatrical program with the participation of the honored amateur collective of Belarus - the Dramatic Theater "Vidarys" of the Palace of Culture named after. M. Gorky (Borisov), the folk club of amateur poets and composers "Zhyvitsa" of the Minsk Regional Center of Folk Art and the People's Amateur Association "In the circle of friends" of the Zhodino City Cultural Center, amateur collectives of the Nesvizh district.

For the participants and guests of the regional solemn event, the work of trade and catering, field kitchens, performance of instrumental ensembles, accordionists, bayan players, soloists, costumed in military uniforms during the Great Patriotic War will be organized.

Plans of events dedicated to the celebration of the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory are approved in each district of the capital region and in Zhodzina. In honor of the significant date, rallies will take place with the participation of veterans, laying flowers at the monuments of soldiers and military graves, solemn evenings, festive concerts, actions.

As reported in the press center of the Minsk Regional Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, in the state memorial complex "Khatyn" on May 5 the action "Watch of Memory" will take place. On the eve of the Victory Day activists of the BRYU, youth law enforcement detachments will commemorate the soldiers who fought for a peaceful and independent Belarus. For the participants of the action will be an excursion to the memorial complex. Head of the Department of the Investigation Committee of the Minsk region, Pavel Ignatov, will hand them membership cards to the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, as well as letters of recommendation for admission to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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