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14.07.2017, 8:59

Belarus' ambassador: German business shows interest in Great Stone industrial park

The German business shows interest in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, Ambassador of Belarus to Germany Denis Sidorenko told the media ahead of the meeting of the heads of Belarus' diplomatic missions abroad with representatives of the enterprises of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 13 July, BelTA has learned.

“The German business is strongly interested in developing cooperation in the East – Russia, China. Thanks to that, we are now in the focus of their attention, including within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative,” Denis Sidorenko said.

In May-June 2017, Belarus hosted a delegation of 25 German businessmen who studied the potential of the industrial park Great Stone and Minsk National Airport. “It is possible that we will see certain progress soon. The German business can come to Belarus in some form. We see interest including at the forums in Germany where we create opportunities for presentations of the Great Stone park,” the diplomat added.

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