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01.08.2017, 12:27

Isachenko spoke about the development priorities of the Minsk region

Priority areas for the development of the Minsk region are investment activities and industry. This was stated by the chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Anatoly Isachenko in an interview with the newspaper "Minskaya praada", BelTA informs.

"My position is this: branches should develop evenly, but in the priority two directions - investment activity and industry," said Anatoly Isachenko. "Problems in the same health care or education can be solved when there are financial resources."

The governor explained that it is the industry that makes the greatest contribution to the budget, therefore, it is planned to pay attention to the development of this sphere first of all. An important direction will be the improvement of the infrastructure of settlements of various levels.

As for agriculture, the chairman of the regional executive committee announced the appearance in the coming months of a program of actions, according to which the work will be built. "There is nothing cardinal and supernatural, but to enter the markets, the economy must be based on the need to reduce the cost of production, maintaining its quality, or to create something completely new, which no one has," Anatoly Isachenko stressed. 

Responding to a question about the main motivation in the work, the head of the central region stated that this is a focus on improving the economic situation of the region and, in general, people's lives. "But do not chase every minor problem, otherwise we'll lose the main one," he noted.

Прочитано 14469 раз Последнее изменение 01.08.2017, 12:27
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