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15.08.2017, 9:16

Agrarians of Minsk region expect to collect about 2 million tons of grain

Agrarians of the Minsk region expect to collect about 2 million tons of grain, without taking into account corn, Anatoly Isachenko, chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, told reporters today, BelTA has learned.

The harvesting campaign is in regular mode, the daily grain harvest is over 100 thousand tons. "This is a normal indicator, the farms are provided with fuel, they are aimed at completing the work on time," said Anatoly Isachenko.

It is expected that from the middle of the week, enterprises will begin to provide machinery to help residents harvest their own farms.

The Minsk region makes a significant contribution to ensuring the country's food security. A quarter of all agricultural production is produced here. As of August 14, 63.1% of the areas occupied by grain and leguminous crops were harvested in the region. The yield is 38.1 c / ha.

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