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28.08.2017, 17:15

More than 1.2 thousand young specialists started working in the educational institutions of the Minsk region

More than 1.2 thousand. Young specialists started to work in the Minsk oblast educational institutions in the current year, said head of the Minoblispolkoma Galina Kazak education at the plenary session of the regional conference of teachers, BelTA has learned.

In total, about 28.6 thousand pedagogical workers work in the education system of the region. The award "For Spiritual Revival" was awarded teacher of the Center of Children and Youth of the Salihorsk district awards the national and provincial level in 2016 received more than 880 employees, five of them were awarded the medal "For Labor Merits". The honorary title of "The Person of the Year of the Minsk region" was awarded to the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Krupskaya District Gymnasium.

According to Galina Kazak, the quality of graduates' knowledge is increasing in schools. In the last academic year, compared with the previous increase in the number of children who were awarded gold and silver medals, representatives of the area adequately represent Belarus at international competitions, show good results in the centralized testing.

Within three years the team of the region occupies the second team place in the republican competition of research works. The Republican Olympiad on school subjects in 2017. The team of Minsk region is the third received 82 diplomas.

"The quality of the work of any institution depends on the level of professionalism of pedagogical cadres.We create the conditions for consolidating young specialists in the workplace," - said Galina Kazak.

Regional conference of teachers is held in Molodechno on August 25-26. More than 1 thousand people take part in the event: representatives of government bodies, public organizations, leaders of the trade union movement, teachers. Organized the work of interactive sites, heads of educational institutions and teachers during webinars discuss the actual problems of education, the specifics of the organization of the educational process in the context of profile training, modern technologies, methods and tools for training in updated programs and new teaching aids.

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