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31.08.2017, 14:38

Festival of Cultures "Rakasy Fest" will be held in Volozhinsky district on September 10

The Festival of Cultures "Rakaski Fest" will be held for the second time in the agro-town of Rakov (Volozhinsky district) on September 10, the organizers of the event told BelTA.

The festival program includes presentations of Belarusian, Polish, Lithuanian and Jewish cultures. Music and choreographic groups from Belarus, Poland and Lithuania will perform at the Rakayevske Fesce, the City of Masters, the exposition "Poland is a country of UNESCO World Heritage Sites", "Valery Gaishun is the master of the Jewish doll", "The exhibition of illustrations for Israeli children's books" Etc. The guests are also waiting for an interesting quest that will allow them to plunge into the atmosphere of Rakov in the 30s of the last century. Those who wish can taste the national cuisine of the countries represented at the festival.

The grand opening of the festival is scheduled for 16.00 on the Liberty Square of the agro-town. The organizers of the "Rakaska Festu" are the Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Volozhin District Executive Committee, the Rakovsky Village Executive Committee, the Polish Embassy in Belarus, the Polish Institute in Minsk. The project is also supported by the Israeli Embassy in Belarus.

Crayfish is considered to be a polycultural place. Here the cultures of different peoples are closely intertwined, which for many centuries peacefully and fruitfully worked and rested together. Rakov reached a special heyday in the 1930s, when he actually found himself on the border of Poland and the USSR.

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