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19.09.2017, 17:48

About 40% of the population is planned to vaccinate against influenza in the Minsk region

Nearly 570,000 people are planned to vaccinate against the flu in the Minsk region this year, which is about 40% of the region's population, Valery Pyzh, an epidemiologist from the Minsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, told BelTA. 

"The vaccine for the prevention of influenza Grippol Plus, produced by Russia, was delivered to the healthcare organization of the region," said Valery Pyzh, "This year, as in previous years, preventive vaccination will be provided free of charge for certain categories of citizens at risk Children from six months to three years old, people with chronic diseases, immunosuppression, as well as elderly patients over 65, pregnant women, medical workers. "

According to the representative of the regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, vaccination against influenza will also be carried out at the expense of extrabudgetary funds. Such an opportunity will be available to employees of enterprises and organizations of various industries. In addition, after September 20, preventive vaccinations against influenza on a paid basis will be carried out with vaccines "Vaksigripp" produced in France and "Influvak" produced by the Netherlands. The receipt of the vaccine "Grippol Plus" for vaccination on a paid basis is expected approximately two weeks later.

The composition of vaccines for the prevention of influenza in 2017 is slightly different from the composition of vaccines last season. In particular, this time the vaccine is characterized by a strain of the H1N1 virus. According to WHO forecasts, in the current epidemic season, three strains of the influenza virus will circulate in the Northern Hemisphere: two similar strains of the previous year and one new, which previously did not circulate widely, with no immunity to the population - A / Michigan / 45/2015 (H1N1 ) pdm09-like virus.

Detailed information about vaccination against influenza can be obtained from the polyclinics at the place of residence.

Last year, about 40% of the population of the Minsk region was vaccinated against influenza. Prevention of this disease and acute respiratory infections (ARI) consists in general improvement, strengthening of the body and stimulation of immunity by hardening, physical exercise in the open air. It is worth paying attention to skating, swimming, eating high-grade, vitamin-rich food, and at the end of winter and early spring - to moderate intake of vitamin preparations.

Прочитано 14270 раз Последнее изменение 19.09.2017, 17:48
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