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20.09.2017, 11:16

In the kindergartens of the Minsk region, the number of groups of short-term stay

In the kindergartens of the Minsk region, the number of groups of short-term stay is growing every year. This was reported today to journalists by the chief specialist of the department of preschool, general secondary, vocational and secondary special education of the education administration of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Irina Mashketova, BelTA has learned.

Over the past three years, the number of short-stay groups in kindergartens in the Minsk region has increased by 120. "This is due to the fact that there is a problem of provision in the Minsk region, therefore we try to organize, as much as possible, short-stay groups on the basis of institutions education, "- said Irina Mashketova.

At the moment there are 709 short-stay groups in the region: they are adaptation groups, and mother schools. They are visited by more than 5 thousand children, 3.5 thousand of them have not visited the kindergarten before.

In addition, 260 adaptation groups work in the kindergartens of the Minsk region, attended by children between the ages of one and three years, and 120 groups organize an educational process involving mothers.

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