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25.09.2017, 12:56

About 500 masters of folk art will gather the regional festival "Slutsk salty"

In Slutsk, a regional festival of traditional art crafts "Slutskiya Payasy" opens today, which will bring together about 500 master craftsmen in various areas of folk art, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The masters of folk art from different parts of Belarus will take part in the festival, which will demonstrate the skills of straw and weaving, wood carving, weaving, embroidery and pottery. However, the basis of the "Handicraft Sloboda" at the festival is traditionally the Belorussian belt.

During the regional event, there will be a holiday-contest of dolls. The majority of participants of the competition - children and youth - are students of circles and studios of arts and crafts, those who will continue to preserve and develop the traditions of the Belarusian doll.

Within the framework of the festival an international scientific and practical conference will also take place. Scientists, post-graduate students, teachers and students of higher educational institutions, employees of cultural and educational institutions of Belarus and foreign countries, masters of folk arts and crafts are invited to participate in it.

The real brands of the Minsk region are kopylskie and old-town towels, logoyskaya and ivenetskaya ceramics, dumpling and Molodechno vine, Vileika and Myadel carving. The Slutsk district continues the artistic traditions of the folk art of its region, that's why it was chosen for the celebration of the crafts festival "Slutskiya pasyasy".

The grand opening of the regional holiday will take place in the central square of the city.

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