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26.09.2017, 14:37

The Minsk region and the Chinese province of Guangdong agreed on cooperation in the field of tourism

The memorandum on cooperation in the sphere of tourism and consultations between the Minsk region and Guangdong province (China) was signed during the visit of the delegation of this Belarusian region to China to participate in the events of the international forum of the Silk Road-2017, BelTA learned from the Minsk regional executive committee.

"We will conduct consultations on the organization of tourist routes, groups exactly under the order of the Chinese partners, guided by their wishes.As far as it became clear during the talks, environmental recreation, in agro sports, hunting farms are very popular. We also requested a winter holiday, for which we designated the resorts of Logoisk and Silichi, "said Elizabeth Davellman, deputy head of the Investment Department of the Economy Committee of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee. In general, the document establishes the mutual intention of the parties to actively participate in activities to promote tourism, support tourism enterprises and joint projects, use common tourist resources, organize regular exchanges of visits, jointly develop tourism products for further commercialization. Taking into account the fact that 2018 is planned to be declared the Year of Tourism of Belarus and China, interregional agreements of a similar orientation are more than timely.

It is expected that the opening of the Consulate General of Belarus in Guangzhou (the provincial capital), which is to be held before the end of this year, is expected to contribute to the development of tourism and other spheres of cooperation.

On September 19-22, a delegation of the Minsk region led by Deputy Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Oleg Plavsky was in Guangdong Province, where he participated in negotiations with the leadership and business circles of this South China region. The agreement on cooperation between the two sides was signed in 2012, and over the five years of the relationship, mutual interests have been defined and a contact base has been established. Now active work is being done on cooperation in specific areas, in particular, meat and dairy industry.

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