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28.09.2017, 16:07

The festival of rural business will be held in Kolodischy

The festival of rural business "Tuteyshaya Gaspararka" will be held on September 30 in the agro-town of Kolodishchi near Minsk on the territory of the Small Business Incubator Complex of CJSC "MAP CJSC", BelTA learned from the organizers.

Visitors will be able to taste and purchase products of ecofermers, cheese makers, beekeepers, gardeners, berry pickers, mushroom pickers, florists, artisans and other entrepreneurs from the regions of Belarus. The program includes professional and business meetings on the issues of rural business cooperation, thematic presentations of agricultural knowledge, cognitive master classes, ekamajsterni for children and adults, including a useful workshop "How we go to the store, how not to let ourselves be deceived." >

"We already held one forum for rural business last year with an emphasis on its social role in rural areas." This festival is part of the conference "Expansion of economic opportunities in rural Belarus" and is held under the auspices of the Week of Sustainable Development. promotion of the development of rural business, exchange of best practices and innovations in agriculture, "explained the director of the consultancy" Social Technologies of Business "Galina Matyushenko. This institution acts as the organizer of the festival in cooperation with the Small Business Incubator ZAO MAP ZAO, the local New Eurasia Information and Educational Foundation and partners.

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