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Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

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04.10.2017, 9:23

GAI Minsk region will hold October 5-15 preventive action "Pedestrian"

Preventive action "Pedestrian" will be held in the Minsk region from 5 to 15 October to reduce the risk of accidents involving pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers due to unfavorable weather conditions, BelTA learned from the senior inspector for campaigning and propaganda department of the Minsk region's GAI Catherine Sylchenko.

"The action is carried out to prevent the deaths and injuries of people on the roads in the dark, and it will again remind pedestrians, bicyclists and truck drivers of the need to comply with traffic rules on the road, the rules and benefits of wearing flickers in the dark and in conditions of reduced visibility - during fog, rain or snow, "- explained Ekaterina Silchenko.

In total for January-September 2017 with the participation of pedestrians in the Minsk region, there were 140 accidents, in which 41 people were killed and 107 injured. Every third pedestrian-intruder was drunk.

The State Traffic Inspectorate appeals to all road users so that if there are any drunken citizens on the road or walking along it, they are immediately informed by phone 102.

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