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11.10.2017, 9:57

BeCloud company expanded coverage of LTE network in Minsk and Minsk region

BeCloud has expanded coverage of the LTE network in Minsk and the Minsk region, BelTA learned from the company's press service.

BeCloud has included new LTE base stations in the capital and the region. So, in the region, 24 additional stations were established, 15 of which - in Minsk. In total, there are more than 200 LTE base stations in Minsk.

The LTE network increased its coverage in Borisov, Dzerzhinsk, Smolevichi, Borovlyany, Stolbtsy, Kolyadichi and the agro-town of Lesnoy. Additional base stations appeared where there is an increase in the consumption of Internet traffic. The main advantage of 4G is in the speeds of mobile Internet, which are almost 3 times higher than those in 3G networks: up to 112 versus 42 megabits per second.

LTE network expansion will continue. Until the end of the year, in addition to additional base stations in settlements where there is already a fourth generation connection, to the LTE network beCloud plans to connect almost fifty new cities and towns. Now LTE network has more than 670 base stations. The connection of the new generation can be used by residents of 50 settlements of Belarus.

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