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13.10.2017, 9:37

Minsk region will present its agricultural products at the fair on October 14-15 in the capital

A large-scale fair with the participation of Minsk region enterprises will be held on October 14 and 15 on a large platform in front of the Chizhovka Arena, BelTA learned from the main department of the consumer market of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Two days the agricultural fair for the sale of fruit and vegetable, meat and milk, canning and other products will work from 9.00 to 16.00. The Minsk region will be represented by such large producers as OAO Borisov Meat Packing Plant, OJSC Slutsk Cheese Factory, Vileika Branch of Molodechno MK, Rybkhoz Volma, Krasnaya Sloboda OJSC, Borisovkhlebprom OJSC, Kommunarka ", OJSC" Agrokombinat "Dzerzhinsky", trade enterprises of consumer cooperation. Also, their products will be presented by agricultural producers, farms, consumer services enterprises and the concern "Bellegprom".

The city of craftsmen will diversify the fair, in which artisans will offer products made of straw, textiles, clay.

Traditionally, GUPR and volunteers will help veterans of the Great Patriotic War, invalids of the 1st group and some other categories in the free delivery of fruit and vegetable products purchased at the fair.

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