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23.10.2017, 12:20

GAI together with schools of the Minsk region will hold an action "Safe holidays"

The preventive action "Safe Vacations" will be held in the Minsk region from October 23 to November 7, BelTA learned from the Chief Inspector on campaigning and propaganda department of the Minsk Region GAI Ekaterina Silchenko.

The action is aimed at preventing traffic accidents involving minors on the eve and during school holidays. In the last week of the training quarter, the traffic police officers will conduct preventive talks in schools about correct behavior on the road. Recall this and adults - in labor collectives, as well as at parents' meetings. Particular attention will be paid to the use by children of retroreflective elements in the dark.

Also, public security police officers, together with representatives of educational institutions, organize preventive raids to identify violations of traffic rules for children and bring adults to administrative responsibility for failing to fulfill the responsibility for raising children, who eventually become offenders. For disobedient children parents are threatened with a warning or a fine of up to 10 basic units (now one BB is Br23). Under special control of the traffic police will be taken and drivers carrying minors.

The traffic police urges drivers to conduct preventive talks with children and talk about the dangers of the road. It is important to show the child the correct example of behavior on the road, to show one's own caution. Near the roadway, you need to hold the child by the hand, and carrying it in a car, fasten your seat belts (for children under 12 years old you should use special car seats).

In addition, the department of traffic police GUVD Minsk City Executive Committee recalled that until October 26, continues the campaign "Time to become more visible!" - for the distribution of retroreflective elements and high visibility vests among cyclists and pedestrians.

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