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24.11.2017, 17:28

Industry provided the main increase in GRP of the Minsk region in January-September

The work of industrial enterprises provided the main increase in gross regional product (GRP) in the Minsk region in January-September this year. This was announced today by the Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Plavsky at a meeting of the Executive Committee, where the results of the social and economic development of the central region for the indicated period were considered, BelTA has learned.

"The volume of the gross regional product for the Minsk region in January-September totaled Br11.2 billion. The growth rate of this indicator was 105.6% compared to the same period of the last year," Oleg Plavsky said. the contribution was made by the industry, which provided about a third of the total volume, followed by agriculture, transport, trade. "

This year in the Minsk region, high growth rates were achieved in the production of potash fertilizers, pharmaceutical products, quarry dump trucks. At the same time, construction has a negative impact on GRP. The volume of construction and installation works decreased for several reasons, the main of which is the completion of the active implementation of a number of large regional and national projects. There was also a tendency for the investment activity of state and private enterprises to decline. According to Oleg Plavsky, measures are being taken to improve the situation. In particular, a list of investment projects and other large construction projects has been drawn up, which calls for investment in fixed assets. All the objects of the investment program of the region are in constant control. In housing construction, no cases of problem houses are allowed.

In January-September, 2017, the Minsk region met five of the six indicators of social and economic development, the figure for construction and installation works was not met. As Igor Makar, First Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, noted, with the overall positive dynamics of socioeconomic development, for example, eight regions did not reach the outlook for export of goods, in many regions the work on attracting foreign direct investment is not sufficiently active, there are difficulties in finding people again created workplaces of new enterprises. He instructed the chairmen of the regional and district executive committees to take on personal control the fulfillment of the wage increase task, brought in 2017.

As it was noted at the meeting, in the Minsk region a draft development plan for 2018 was developed. Among the key tasks are the financial rehabilitation of organizations in the real sector of the economy, the creation of new jobs through the opening of new industries, the growth of export diversification, the attraction of foreign direct investment, the involvement of inefficiently used assets in the economic turnover.

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