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08.12.2017, 12:06

The new clinical medical center in Zhdanovichi will be able to serve up to 10 thousand people

The clinical medical center, which is being built in the village of Zhdanovichi, Minsk region, will be able to serve up to 10 thousand people. This was reported today by the chief physician of the Republican Clinical Medical Center Irina Abelskaya after a meeting with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA has learned.

The object is planned to be delivered at the end of 2017 - early 2018, during January it will be fully put into operation. It is planned that civil servants and persons who have made a significant contribution to the development of the state will be serviced in the new medical center. Patients of the institution will also be citizens who have voluntary health insurance contracts or have concluded direct contracts with the medical center. "In addition, the point high-tech areas that will develop in the new medical center will also be available to our citizens by agreement with the Ministry of Health, for example, providing cardiosurgical care," the head physician noted.

She stressed that this healthcare establishment will become the center of high medical technologies, the highest professional professionalism and the most modern medical care.

In turn, Health Minister Valery Malashko explained that the existing funds of the Republican Clinical Medical Center will be transferred to the communal property of Minsk and will be attached to the 2nd clinical hospital. In the future, it will be transformed into a city clinical center. This will significantly improve the material and technical base of the institution, expand the range of medical services and provide the most high-tech types of assistance. "The center will have a multidisciplinary character, it will be a unique institution for both Minsk and the whole country," the minister added.

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