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12.12.2017, 15:11

Two job fairs will be held in Minsk region in December

In the regions of the Minsk region, two job fairs will take place on December 21 for those wishing to find employment, their holding is scheduled in Borisov and Kopyl, BelTA learned from the employment administration of the Labor and Employment Committee of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee.

So, the Office for Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Borisov District Executive Committee will hold a job fair in the regional center on the street. 8 March, 1 from 11.00 to 13.00. Invited specialists of HR departments of organizations and specialists of the administration will provide interested information on the proposals in the region on employment, the amount of labor payment, etc.

Fair vacancies in Kopyl (Komsomolskaya, 16) will have a thematic focus. It will be held from 10.00 to 11.30 by the Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Kopyl District Executive Committee together with the District Internal Affairs Department. Here, citizens released from prison will be informed of the measures taken by the public employment service. Also, they will be provided with information on available vacancies and the order of issuing directions for employment.

Job fairs are constantly organized in the regions of the Minsk region. In November, such events took place in Kopyl, Lubani and Cherven. They are invited representatives of various enterprises and organizations interested in attracting employees. The unemployed are provided with information on the availability of vacancies in the district, informational conversations on employment are conducted with them, including the possibility of granting a subsidy to open their own business, and vocational training.

According to the latest data, there are more than 9,300 job offers in the Minsk region's vacancy bank.

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