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19.03.2018, 14:18

More than 100 BRSM activists will beautify the territory of the memorial complex "Khatyn"

More than 100 BRSM activists will beautify the territory of the Khatyn memorial complex, BelTA learned from the first secretary of the Minsk regional committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" Dmitry Voronyuk.

Fighters of the student movement, representatives of students and working young people will take part in the republican labor action "Young People Remembers" on March 19. During it, within the framework of the 80th anniversary of the Minsk region, it is planned to start the youth project "80 cases for the benefit of the Minsk region."

At the end of the action, a tour program for the memorial complex "Khatyn" will be organized for the participants.

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