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28.03.2018, 15:13

The arrears of organizations of the Minsk region in front of the FSZN were recorded in 19 districts

The prosecutor's office of the Minsk region conducts supervisory measures to find out the reasons for the emergence and prompt repayment of the debt owed to the FSZN by the organizations of the central region, BelTA learned from the first deputy prosecutor of the Minsk region Boris Petrovsky.

According to the information of the Minsk regional administration of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, as of March 1, the organizations' indebtedness for paying mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the fund was fixed in 19 districts of the region and amounted to Br7.9 million

For example, in Pukhovichi district on March 13, the arrears of one of the agro-industrial complex's organizations for payment of contributions to the Federal Tax Service exceeded Br6.87 thousand. In the Dzerzhinsky district, some private enterprises in the sphere of trade and construction, in violation of the requirements of the law, did not provide necessary information to the district department of the fund . According to the above facts, the prosecutor's offices of the districts issued orders requiring the elimination of violations of law and repayment of debts.

The prosecutor's office of the region stressed that this year issues of supervision over the implementation of legislation on employment and social protection of the population will be given special attention.

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