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02.04.2018, 16:04

Columns take the regional competitions of the swimming festival "Goldfish"

Regional competitions among children and teenagers will be held today in Stolbtsy "Festival of swimming" Goldfish "for prizes of Alexandra Gerasimeni", the correspondent of BELTA informs.

The arena of the competition will be the children's and youth sports school of the Stolbtsy district. They will be attended by more than 150 children who have become winners and prize-winners of the regional stages of the festival. Young swimmers of the central region will compete in the younger (students of 3 classes) and older (students of 4 classes) age groups.

The program of the competitions includes individual swimmers at a distance of 25 m freestyle among boys and girls. Awards in this case will be played out both in the personal and in the team championship. On the same day will pass and the family relay 3x25 m, where the team can include a mother (grandmother), a dad (grandfather) and a child.

Winners of the competitions will represent the Minsk region at the national stage of the festival "Goldfish."

All participants and guests of the event will be given the opportunity to visit the gym of the sports school, a master class in applied art, to test their abilities in chess and checkers competitions. In addition, the teams of the educational institutions of the Stolbtsy district will hold a fascinating sports club for the guests.

The "Goldfish" swimming festival for Alexandra Gerasimeni prizes is held within the framework of the regional month "Minsk Odyssey", whose goal is to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, develop and popularize swimming, and to identify talented young athletes of the region.

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