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06.04.2018, 15:32

The number of crimes in the Minsk region in 2017 decreased by 3.6%

The number of crimes in the Minsk region decreased by 3.6% in 2017 compared to 2016, said Vitaly Kozlov, deputy head of the Interior Ministry's Department of Internal Affairs, today at a meeting of the regional executive committee, BelTA has learned.

"The analysis of the crime situation on the territory of the Minsk region in 2017 indicates a decrease in both the total number of registered crimes by 3.6% in comparison with 2016 and by 6.2% in the criminal investigation department," Vitaly Kozlov .

According to him, in the past year in the region there was a decrease in the number of crimes committed in a state of intoxication (by 6.7%), persons with a criminal record (2%), minors (4%). Also, the number of murders and assassinations (by 12%), rapes (by 64%), robberies (by 34%), robberies (by 4%), property theft (by 6%), fraud (by 23%) decreased. .

A significant contribution to the provision of law and order was made by voluntary squads and youth law enforcement detachments, with the participation of which in 2017 detained 1005 offenders. Councils of public law enforcement centers on an ongoing basis conducted educational and preventive activities with people prone to antisocial behavior.

Members of the regional executive committee agreed with the conclusion that the measures of the comprehensive program for the prevention of violations in the Minsk region in 2017 have been fulfilled in general, however, certain performance indicators have not been achieved in certain areas of law enforcement. The Minsk Regional Executive Committee has determined measures to improve the criminal situation in each region of the Minsk region.

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