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26.04.2018, 15:12

Children's safety issues will be discussed at the Minsk regional parental meeting

At the 11th Minsk regional parental meeting "In the focus of attention - children!", which will be held on April 27, will discuss ways to reduce the risk of injury and death of children, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education (MIRO).

This year the traditional event will be held at large industrial enterprises and in the agro-industrial complex of the Minsk region in the format of an open dialogue with parents. Experts will tell you how to reduce the risk of death and injury to children, what signs in the behavior of the child should alert the parent, how to help the teenager in a difficult situation, how to usefully organize leisure.

The main venues for the meeting will be Smolevichsky (the event will be held on the basis of OAO Smolevichi Broiler), Nesvizhsky (SEC "Agrokombinat Snov") and Soligorsk Districts (OJSC "Building Trust No. 3 of the Order of the October Revolution"). The choice of venues is related to the employment of parents and spring field work. This will help to organize a live dialogue practically on the job.

During the regional meeting on all venues will be designed thematic exhibitions for parents on child safety issues. Visitors of the meeting will be able to receive memos, flyers, thematic booklets, watch videos about saving the life and health of minors.

The regional parental meeting will be completed, in which more than 3 thousand people will take part, a video message of the children of the Minsk region to their parents.

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