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22.05.2018, 16:27

Number of complaints to the Presidential Administration and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee decreases

The number of complaints to the Presidential Administration and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee decreases quarterly. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the presidential aide - inspector for the Minsk region Igor Evseev, who held today the reception of citizens on personal issues in the Old Roads, BelTA.

"The number of complaints to the Presidential Administration and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee is decreasing quarterly, which means that today local authorities are more qualitative about citizens' appeals, and I, as a representative of the Presidential Administration, want to own the situation and see how they respond to statements on the ground," he said. Igor Evseev.

According to him, a personal trip to the district center allows us to see the problem with our own eyes. "If necessary, I'll go out on that street, look at the house about which the man came, and see if everything is really as they told me," the presidential aide said.

The reception was signed by 11 people. However, Igor Evseev promised: if there are more people, he will remain and listen. "On those issues that we can sort out on the spot, we will take a decision today." Those that take time will take control, "he said.

In general, issues related to the improvement of roads and urban households, housing and communal services, for example, relating to the completion of the repair of a residential house. Land issues do not lose relevance. In particular, the assistant to the President was asked about the alienation of the apartment in a blocked residential building and the provision of a lease for the site.

Reception of citizens lasted several hours. For example, a resident of the Old Roads appealed to Igor Yevseyev about the provision of firewood to her father - a lonely disabled person and veteran of the war. After listening to the story of the woman, the presidential aide decided to provide her father with fuel at a reduced price.

At the reception in the Old Roads came and residents of other settlements of the Minsk region. So, Borisovchanka appealed to Igor Evseev about the arrangement of roads in private building in Borisov. He promised to understand and give an answer.

During the reception, the reasons for the death of the apiary of the bees from the inhabitant of the Logoisk District were also discussed, the themes of entering into the inheritance and transferring the car park from the apartment building were raised.

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