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07.06.2018, 10:04

The best avtoledi Minsk region will be determined June 8 in Zaslavl

The Minsk regional stage of the republican youth competition "Avtoledi-2018" will be held on June 8 in Zaslavl, BelTA learned from the press service of the Central Committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union".

13 motorists from Borisov, Volozhin, Vileyka, Dzerzhinsk, Zhodino, Logoisk, Minsk region, Myadel, Slutsk, Soligorsk, Stolbtsy, Uzhdy and Cherven are all claiming to win in the contest. "The regional youth rally" We Remember and Be Proud! "Will open the competition, during which the girls on their cars, accompanied by a column of bikers will go to the memorable sign to the soldiers of the Red Army, the partisans and underground fighters who liberated Zaslavl from fascist invaders on July 3, 1944, - was told in the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

As for the competitive tasks, the girls will have to demonstrate an excellent level of knowledge of the traffic rules, the ability to perform the elements of a practical driving test, and also to present themselves creatively and their car. The best avtoledi will present the Minsk region in the final of the contest.

"In addition, all participants and fans are waiting for demonstration performances from bikers Minsk region, the performance of creative teams Zaslavl, a master class to provide first aid in emergency situations from the volunteers of the regional organization of the Red Cross," - noted in the BRSM.

The organizer of the competition is the Minsk Regional Organization of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". Support is provided by the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, the regional association of trade unions. The project is designed to draw public attention to issues of safe road traffic.

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