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13.06.2018, 11:06

Cancer Screening Program in Belarus Expands - Sukonko

New cancer screening projects of different localizations will supplement the program for combating cancer in Belarus. This was announced today by the director of the RNPC of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N.N. Alexandrov doctor of medical sciences professor Oleg Sukonko, the correspondent of BelTA reports.

In the country there is an increase in oncological diseases, more than 50 thousand new patients are diagnosed every year. "When cancer is detected in stage 4, patients live no more than 3 years, even with the use of ultramodern methods of treatment. "These patients account for 70% of the cost of oncology," said Oleg Sukonko, "Today in Belarus, about 60% of patients are diagnosed in the first and second stages of oncology, which should be increased. detection of disease - ud wish to set up the kind of attention the last five years. "

The first project involves the detection of lung cancer using low-dose computed tomography, which is more effective at an early stage than fluorography. This is an uneasy and expensive method that has already been implemented in the Minsk Regional TB Dispensary. The second project, which is still under preparation, concerns the screening of the oropharyngeal cancer. Even with external location - on the gum, tongue, in the larynx - a high percentage of mortality, but for early detection of the disease does not require a lot of investment, the main thing - to train specialists. "With cancer of the ovaries, the percentage of neglect is extremely high, as in case of bowel cancer." When diagnosed at the third and fourth stages, the treatment is hard and expensive, and the patients live on average about three years, "added Oleg Sukonko. Prepares for the launch and screening of skin melanoma. With external location mortality is also high enough because of late detection.

"After the launch of these projects, we are counting on a notable result." We are completely restructuring the system of work in oncology, "said the director of the Republican Scientific and Technical Center.

Screening is a scientifically grounded way to detect a malignant tumor in patients without symptoms: a systematic examination is conducted among a group of healthy people. Now the screening program in Belarus includes the detection of cancer of the cervix, breast, thick and rectum and prostate.

"Men have the first place in terms of the number of cases of prostate cancer detected, in women - breast cancer, and in both sexes - a catastrophe for bowel cancer, in women it is in second place, and in men for third in mortality. 60% of patients are identified at the third-fourth stage, "Oleg Sukonko noted. And this despite the fact that screening centers are being built, an early detection system with state funding and personnel, software is being established. Therefore, it is so important to accustom the population to the fact that it is normal to be examined once a year (not only for oncological diseases, but complexly).

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