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15.06.2018, 12:04

More than 20 initiatives on the EU / UNDP project implemented in the Minsk region

In the Minsk region, 23 initiatives have been implemented on the EU / UNDP project "Facilitation of local development in the Republic of Belarus" from 2016 to 2018. This was announced by Deputy Permanent Representative of UNDP in Belarus Zachary Taylor at the conference on the results of the project, BelTA.

"23 initiatives have been implemented in the Minsk region, the principle of maximum participation is based on the principle that a large number of people who are not accustomed to working together include local authorities, members of public organizations and the local population, so that they can learn how to work with each other, but this type of initiative is the most sustainable in the long term, "Zachary Taylor said.

The largest number of initiatives was aimed at the development of tourism and infrastructure in the region - 30% and 26% of the total, respectively. Projects have also been implemented in the fields of education, economics, social services, health and culture. Zachary Taylor noted, in particular, the public significance of the project to help people with alcohol dependence. "The social group worked with this category of population, and people who had never formally participated in the regional economy were able to join the labor market, received support, became productive members of the society and began to produce their goods," he said. 

The purpose of the project "Promotion of local development in the Republic of Belarus" is to create conditions for joint efforts and forging partnerships between authorities and civic initiatives for the development of the regions, taking into account their unique characteristics. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of Belarus. The total budget of implemented initiatives in the Minsk region is more than 367 thousand euros. 

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