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19.06.2018, 12:25

Youth subculture festival will be held June 23 in Minsk

The fifth festival of youth subcultures will be held in the capital on June 23, BelTA learned from the Minsk city organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

The glade of the mass events of Victory Park from 14.30 to 22.30 will bring together fans of various youth trends. On interactive stages you can listen to street musicians, watch the work of street art artists, participate in a master class on football freestyle and Challenge-marathon, learn the secrets of an illusionist. If knight fighting is allowed to look at a safe distance, then it is possible to participate personally in dance battles and even parkour.

Presentation of project # BRSMLIFE will take place at BRSMVLOG.

The festival starts with the contest "Dance of the Dance": the best bands of the capital will show a class in the categories "Break Dance", "Street Dance", "Sports Latina", "Oriental Dance", "Belarusian Folk Dance", "National Dance" , as well as the "Show Program". A rich creative program will help you to translate the spirit, and the headliner, whose name is kept secret, will present a storm of emotions and incendiary mood. The youth festival "Battle of DJ" will finish. Musical sets of DJs will include both author's mixes for popular melodies, and recycled compositions for national Belarusian and youth themes. Pyrotechnic and neon show will make the holiday culmination even more noisy and bright. The winners of the festival blocks "Fire of Dance" and "Battle of DJ" will go to represent the capital at the traditional events of the Youth Day, which will take place at the International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk - 2018".

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