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05.07.2018, 12:51

The events of the First World will be recreated at the festival in Ivatsevichi district

The fourth military-historical festival "The Vygonoschanska Forte", dedicated to the memory of the victims of the First World War, will be held July 14 in Ivatsevichi district, BelTA learned from the organizers.

The main emphasis during the military-historical reconstruction will be made on the events of a hundred years ago, which took place on the territory of the Oginsky Canal. The audience will see episodes of the battles of the summer of 1917: fragments of positional warfare, timid attempts of counterattacks by the Russian army, trench soldiers' life, the struggle of assault groups, chemical attacks. The scenes of the collapse of the Western Front, the departure of the Kaiser units from Belarus, the beginning of the civil war will be shown.

"We plan a long enough scenario, for an hour, and maybe more." We will not show large-scale offensives: mostly secrets, patrols, fraternisation, but in the current scenario there will be their chips. "Fortification of Brest" Andrei Vorobey.

One of the most acute moments of reconstruction should be the attack of a female shock battalion under the Cry. For the first time to recreate this dramatic episode of the First World Festival, a group of reenactors from St. Petersburg will come to the festival. As an honorary guest, the actress of the Brest Academic Drama Theater, Janina Malinchik, one of the leading roles in the film "Battalion", is invited to the event. According to the organizers, about 60 people applied for participation in the reconstruction. Basically, these are representatives of clubs and associations from various cities of Belarus in Minsk, Brest, Borisov, Gomel.

Reconstruction will take place in the natural scenery of a complex of fortification structures - pillboxes, blockhouses, dugouts. In the vicinities of the Vygonoshchi village, more than a hundred reinforced concrete and earthen buildings of the First World War survived. "It was the most fortified knot of German defense in the territory of the Brest region." It was not accidental that it was called "Vygonoshchansky bridgehead." There were preserved large fragments of the original structures-sapas, they were called "wormholes." They were drilled under enemy defenses, huge shells and exploded.Some of the saps were used as retractable units of firing points.There have been preserved geranium shelters, built in the conditions of military operations, "- said the deputy director of Polessky agrarian-ecologist Victor Demyanchik.

After the reconstruction of the audience expect interactive sites, an excursion around the defenses of the Oginsky Canal. The program also includes performances by people's groups, the work of visiting trade.

The organizers of the event are Ivatsevichi regional executive committee, Telekhansky village executive committee, public foundation "Fortification of Brest", Polessky agrarian and ecological institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

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