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11.09.2018, 17:02

More than 960 young teachers started working in schools in the Minsk region

More than 960 young teachers started working in the educational institutions of the central region in the new academic year, BelTA learned from the Minsk regional union of trade unions.

"More than 6,500 young specialists come to the Minsk region every year, more than 2 thousand of them are distributed to the countryside, working in the agricultural organizations, institutions of culture, health care, education, in particular, to work in the field of education in the new academic year, 965 young professionals have started, "the organization noted.

The regional association of trade unions pays special attention to issues of labor remuneration. Young teachers receive an increase in salary and an additional 5 days for vacation. "The corresponding rule extends to well-proven specialists of the third year of work, with whom the contract for the maximum term is concluded," the union said.

"The problem of remuneration of workers accompanying students during transportation to educational institutions remains urgent, but now they are being solved through incentive payments, but in this way these educational institutions are in unequal conditions with those where there is no delivery, since they are forced to spend part of funds for payment for this work.We have sent a proposal to improve the legislation against the Central Committee of the trade union, "- added to the organization.

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