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02.10.2018, 16:58

By the end of the year, auctions will be held in Minsk at 35 investment sites

Until the end of this year in Minsk will hold 35 auctions for investment sites. The chairman of the architecture and urban planning committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee Pavel Luchinovich announced this today at an operational meeting in the mayoralty, BelTA informs.

"We expect that many of them will be successful. In particular, at the end of the month an auction will be held, the winner of which will be able to design a public facility on Nemiga Street. There will be three sites for housing, three for creating catering facilities six - for small shopping facilities in residential neighborhoods of the city and two facilities for car-care center, "said Pavel Luchinovich.

Among the past in 2017, the most successful was the auction at which the site was made in the area of the street. Red and st. Victory. This year there are two of them - on the implementation of the site in the Lebyazhiy microdistrict for residential development and the sites in the Frunze district for a catering facility.

Also, Pavel Luchinovich said that in 2018, the policy of optimizing and accelerating the formation of investment sites continues. Currently 38 detailed plans are under development. 29 such documents have already been agreed with the committee, 15 more have been approved, another 18 are planned to be coordinated by the end of the year. As for the public discussion of detailed plans, another 12 such events will be organized this year.

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