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27.11.2018, 16:03

Minsk region expects to implement with the Chinese Ningbo project for the production of medications

Minsk region expects to implement a project for the production of pharmaceutical products in conjunction with the Chinese city of Ningbo. The deputy chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Nikolai Rogashchuk told reporters today after a meeting with a delegation from Ningbo, BelTA has learned.

"In 2016, the Borisov Medical Plant already negotiated with the Menovo company from Ningbo about a drug manufacturing project, but then Chinese companies chose another country to invest. As far as we know, they have already completed that work, so we We will try to resume negotiations on this initiative, which will allow expanding the production of medicines in Borisov, "said Nikolai Rogashchuk.

During the visit of the delegation to the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee, the Belarusian side also expressed its readiness to load container trains with its agro-industrial products, which will return from Europe to China. In particular, China is interested in the supply of dairy and meat products - ice cream, beef and poultry.

In the future, the parties plan to implement joint projects in the field of tourism, trade, industrial production, agriculture, medicine, culture and transport logistics.

Minsk region and the Chinese province of Zhejiang signed an agreement on the establishment of friendly relations in May 2015. One of the results of the cooperation of the regions was the opening of the center of traditional Chinese medicine on the basis of the Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital in Lesnoy (Minsk region) in January 2018.

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