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02.01.2019, 16:22

New Year's festivities were held at more than 400 sites in the Minsk region

New Year's celebrations were held at 416 sites in the Minsk region, BelTA was told by the deputy head of the law enforcement and prevention department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Alexander Gladun.

The most large-scale celebrations were held in Borisov, Molodechno, Minsk, Luban, Smolevichi regions and Zhodino. "Administrative offenses, crimes in the venues are not fixed," - said Alexander Gladun.

At the same time, the territory of the region was not without negative incidents related to pyrotechnics. As reported, due to the careless use of pyrotechnic products, two children needed medical care. In Soligorsk, a 9-year-old girl went out with her parents and was injured by a firecracker blast that was launched by unknown persons. The second case occurred in Borisov: a 12-year-old boy suffered with careless handling of a pyrotechnic product - a petard exploded in his hand. 

The police remind about security measures when using pyrotechnics, and also urges everyone to be mutually polite, exercise reasonable vigilance and, if necessary, inform the police officers about suspicious persons or the detection of objects and things left unattended. 

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