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21.03.2019, 15:13

Five new school stadiums to be built in 2019 in Minsk

Minsk City Executive Committee plans to develop school stadiums as sports centers in the neighborhoods. The chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee Anatoly Sivak said this in an interview with BelTA.

“We plan to develop school stadiums, which should receive the direction of sports centers in the neighborhood. True, not with free access: there must be fences so that these modern grounds with artificial turf are used only for their intended purpose. Five such stadiums are planned to be built this year” - the mayor informed. Currently, the site has not yet been determined. “This is a fresh decision and we are now discussing how stadiums should look. But I can say with confidence that this project will be further developed,” added Anatoly Sivak. According to him, the existing stadiums should also be reconstructed for wider use.

There are plans to build swimming pools. For example, at the end of this year, it is planned to commission a pool along Selitsky Street. In addition, the city is now preparing for the construction of territories for the construction of a national football stadium and an international standard pool. The first object will be located in the area of Vaneev street, the second - Kalvariiskaya street. Both projects will be implemented within the framework of international technical and economic assistance between China and Belarus.

Anatoly Sivak also touched upon the construction of arenas for certain sports. In his opinion, this is currently inappropriate. Most competitions can be organized in existing arenas and in universal halls. In Minsk, there are enough sites for competitions and training in any sports.


Прочитано 14419 раз Последнее изменение 21.03.2019, 15:13
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