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26.03.2019, 16:14

The Minsk region forestry enterprises plan to increase the juice harvesting up to 5 thousand tons

This season, the forest farms of the Minsk region expect to collect more than 5 thousand tons, head of the production and sales department of the Minsk State Forestry Association Andrei Koshel told BelTA.

"In the middle of last week, almost all forest enterprises started harvesting, only Krupsky and Logoysky remained. Last year we collected just over 4 thousand tons of juice. 753 tons were already harvested. In total, we expect to increase the volume of juice harvesting to 5 thousand tons. However, everything depends on the weather: if there is a frost, then the sap flow will pause a little, it will get warmer - the juice will go faster, "said Andrei Koshel.

The main volume of harvested birch sap - about 4.5 thousand tons - is planned to be sold by the leskhoz to the processing enterprises of the region: Borisov Cannery, Starodorozhsky Fruit and Vegetable Plant. More than 450 tons of juice can be purchased by the population. Points of sale will be organized in forest areas and in the cutting area. The cost of a liter will be about 20 kopecks.

You can prepare the juice yourself and for free, following the rules. So, residents of the region should contact the nearest forest area and leave a request. Experts will point out trees that can be tapped, instruct them in complying with harvesting rules and fire safety requirements in the forest. Violators face fines for illegal extraction of juice.


Прочитано 13620 раз Последнее изменение 26.03.2019, 16:14
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