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09.04.2019, 12:38

In January-February, the private sector provided more than half of revenues to the budget of the Minsk region

The revenues to the consolidated budget of the Minsk region in January-February 2019 amounted to Br547.1 million, more than half of this amount was generated by payments from organizations of non-state ownership, BelTA learned from the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Minsk Region Yury Konovalov.

The revenues for the two months of this year to the republican budget amounted to Br189.1 million, to the local budget - Br358 million. The largest amounts were received on income tax - Br146.6 million, or 26.8% in the revenues of the consolidated budget, environmental (including extraction tax) - Br144.4 million (26.4%), value-added tax - Br127.9 million (23.4%), excise taxes - Br24.8 million (4.5%).

At the same time, the non-state sector of the economy makes a significant contribution to the formation of the regional budget: 53.3% of revenues are payments by organizations of non-state ownership. Individual entrepreneurs ensured a flow of 3.7% in budget revenues. Compared to January-February last year, their contribution increased in comparable prices by 31.1%.


Прочитано 13740 раз Последнее изменение 09.04.2019, 12:38
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