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15.05.2019, 10:53

MILEX 2019 defense expo to kick off in Minsk on 15 May

The international defense technology expo MILEX 2019 will be held in Minsk on 15-18 May, BelTA has learned.

The official opening ceremony will take place at the Stalin's Line historical and cultural complex on 15 May. Visitors will also get a chance to see the exposition of the Great Patriotic War and postwar military hardware.

The main exhibition will be held at Minsk Arena and the surrounding outdoor area. The expo will feature over 160 producers and exporters of defense products from Belarus, Azerbaijan, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Poland, Russia, Serbia and the Republic of South Africa. The largest expositions will be displayed by Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and China. The 8th international scientific conference on military technology problems, defense, security, and dual-use technologies will take place as part of MILEX 2019.

In terms of its scope, the composition and the level of participants, the availability of exhibition infrastructure the expo is believed to be one of the largest expos in Eastern Europe. The organizers are the State Military Industrial Committee of Belarus, the Belarusian Defense Ministry, and the national expo center BelExpo.


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