222201, Минская обл.,
г. Смолевичи, ул. Советская, 125
(режим работы)
Телефон приемной: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"
Факс: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Телефон «горячей линии» райисполкома: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"

Телефон «горячей линии» КУП «Смолевичское ЖКХ» работает с 8.00 до 13.00 и 14.00 до 17.00 понедельник-пятница по телефону +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

E-MAIL: isp@smolevichi.gov.by (для деловой переписки), обращения.бел для обращений граждан и юридических лиц.





Over 1.9 thousand orphans from the Minsk region will receive free vouchers to health camps, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Office of the Republican Center for Recovery and Sanatorium…
The number of unprofitable organizations in the Minsk region declined by more than 25% in the first quarter of 2017, BelTA learned from the Economy Committee of the Minsk Regional…
More than 100 conscripts from Minsk region today participated in a solemn event in the memorial complex "Kurgan of Glory" dedicated to sending young recruits to the Armed Forces, BelTA…
The Minsk region and the federal state of Carinthia of Austria are interested in expanding cooperation in the field of alternative energy. This was discussed today at the meeting of…
The regional contest for the best family with many children in the Minsk region ("The Big Family of the Year of the Minsk Region") will be held on May 12…
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