222201, Минская обл.,
г. Смолевичи, ул. Советская, 125
(режим работы)
Телефон приемной: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"
Факс: +375 (1776) 2-76-33
Телефон «горячей линии» райисполкома: +375 (1776) 4-42-91 "горячая линия"

Телефон «горячей линии» КУП «Смолевичское ЖКХ» работает с 8.00 до 13.00 и 14.00 до 17.00 понедельник-пятница по телефону +375 (1776) 2-73-68

Единый номер справочной службы «одно окно» - 142

E-MAIL: isp@smolevichi.gov.by (для деловой переписки), обращения.бел для обращений граждан и юридических лиц.





Charitable action-attachment "Way home!" will be held on April 14 in Minsk: more than 60 cats and dogs will be able to find owners on their peculiar "bridegrooms", organizers told…
The city job fair "We will find work together" will take place in the cultural and sports center of the Minsk branch of the Belarusian Railways on April 25, BelTA…
The issues of housing construction for military personnel in the order of participation with state support are being worked out in Brest, Slutsk and Minsk. This was announced today at…
This season, the forest farms of the Minsk region expect to collect more than 5 thousand tons, head of the production and sales department of the Minsk State Forestry Association…
About 9.5 thousand schoolchildren will rest in the camps of the Minsk region during the spring holidays, which will last from March 25 to March 30. BelTA was informed in…
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